Don't get me wrong, I love Lace, but she was being a stubborn pony today. She was happy to see me, and she stood in the cross ties like an angel. But when it comes two those front hooves;she is just so unwilling. I had to push and squeeze her legs for like 5 mins. to get her to pick up on leg! Then I gave up, and went to get her tack. She was moving her right front hoof around ( the one I couldn't get) so I tried to get it. She lifted her leg up!!!! I'm not really sure if shes unbalanced or just unwilling. So I'm going to test her tomorrow. But I'll elaborate on that tomorrow. When I rode her she was great! We went in the sand ring for the first time! I cantered her around. She got the wrong lead at first, but then I stopped her, asked again, and she got it. But she kept running out of the open gate, so I'm going to shut it tomorrow and see how she does. Then I tried cantering her in the grass, but she always trips on this one turn. After, I brushed her off, and gave her these new treats. They kind of remind me of horse cookies. Lace usually doesn't beg for treats, but she LOVED these!She couldn't stop eating them! Here's a link if you want to try them. I strongly suggest them! ...and they're cheap too!
Lacy is improving everyday, and I'm very proud of her. She's getting moved in with all the other mares tomorrow; and I can't be there because I have my final in algebra tomorrow. So fingers crossed!
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